You Can Do It - Impossible is I M Possible, just keep doing efforts.

Every day in our surrounding we find someone gives up his career, someone gets to end up with the relation, changes their life decision, getting unwilling to work on their plans, lack of interest in their lives and losing interest in their initiatives, change their academic fields rapidly, weak in academic performance and getting into bad habits. Society is having a vast diversification with regards to people in which their behaviors are really different from person to person and place to place in terms of norms and their social structure. People come every day to me from different backgrounds sharing ideas, their approaches and their life goals which make me motivated and give hope for the right direction of the youth towards their life. Later on, seeing them in a practical the arena they give up their self and going on some unknown way or the way dictated by someone else. 

    We can relate it to our lives where we thought to be and where we are today which makes me remember with a one-word which I always use to hear throughout my life too from family, surroundings, and friends TUM SE NA HO PAYE GA (You cannot do it), it not your game lad, Hey duffer, what you think of yourself? It is a weapon which is used by a society to kill the millions of dreams, initiative, and suppressing innovative ideas. They are not ready to accept the new thing and people make it counter through their determination and achieve what they want to have. 

Talking about the ideas are something which could be done but sometimes when we  try to leave someplace which is becoming a barrier for the growth of life and sustainability in the career where we come to know that something is bad which should be left by us and go for a good the practice we do not get an opportunity to do it because of the same thing; caring about someone else words. For example, if you want to forego smoking there will be friends saying you Man, you cannot do it, don't be over smart with your ideas and then you start offering a prayer an uncle from a society saw you offering a prayer will be feeling amazed like he saw 8th wonder of the world. Some kind of acts and provokes from society makes you feel bad and you degrade yourself by your own thoughts and keep up the bad things.

Becoming annoying by the words of others, doing something for the sake of others, giving up your idea for the sake of others, and plan yourself according to the planning of others just raise a question in my mind, are you a ROBOT? You are getting controlled by the words of others where they determine what we are?  What we capable to do? In which capacity you will perform better and in what you will be liked by others. THINK OF IT. The life which you own is controlled by the words of others with a threat LOG KIYA SUCHEN GE(what people will think?), how my friends will feel, aren't they going to make laughter of me. There is something really precious which you give to the public is Personal Life. It's alike you own land and let others do shit and pee there.

Life is yours and you are going to answer for it on the Day of Judgment so prepare it in a way where you can answer it. People will talk and society will discuss because there is something which they haven’t seen and coming up with emergence and going to take over a society. Take the people criticisms and discussion as a compliment for your ideas because if they are discussing you means you already have shown up with the uniqueness of your ideas and through practicing it you will be a gate opener for the millions from micro to macro levels with the acceptance of society including your family, friends, and surroundings. Most people take it as disobedient, rebellious against the family and society but actually, you are guiding them to think differently.

I know we all want it and letting this thing go to the next step lets work on it and see how we can do it? It is not something to be done but it is something to be practiced and it simple to practice but is challenging to regulate. It will give you a feeling of a different world where you will find a lot of learning and exposure which will make you stronger with time. The realization of I CAN DO IT,

 it is not something to think once for it but a regulatory process on each stage of making a decision, planning, and implementation either it is to practice your idea or to develop a habit. It is natural to feel down but it is nurture to down yourself, get stressed is natural but overburden your thoughts with negativity is on your end. There is nothing in the world which is impossible till we set our mind with the barrier of impossibility. Doing anything in this world becomes impossible till you make it realize that you can do it and none other can make it that best I can. A trunk of the solution will open in front of you with the solutions. To build your life you just need one thing to realize that you can do it. 


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