Omer and Alexander - Who is actually great? a historical performance base analysis.



     The History of emperors, warriors can be found in thousands of books that are discussing their fights and they're brave role in conquering the areas, suppressing the other kingdoms either we find old-time writers or contemporary historical intellectuals. It is rarely found in the historian write-ups about the systems, governance, public relation, public the opinion of that time and their policies, also the attachment of emotions concerning religion or cultural linkages, we find personal influence and bias.


The rulers in the past, have tried to just gain power and land to make a name in the histories but some leaders are famous for their administrative procedures and pattern of justice which were called by the people to rule beside taking place by force in which the historic name of OMER IBN UL KHATTAB AL FAROOQ (RA) is on the top of the list and accepted by the world. But to date, we look the historians from the west especially define Alexander the great as a symbol of the model ruling king but eventually, I think needs unbiased comparative studies to make justice with the title of role model ruler. Indeed these both i.e. Alexander the great and Omer ibn Ul Khattab, in this write up I will be trying to give my best to make a fair comparative analysis of both which will help us to decide reasonably about the true meaning of leadership and being a responsible public representative  

Backgrounds of Alexander and Omer(RA) 

Alexander was a member of the Argead Dynasty, an ancient Greek royal house, he was the successor of his father Philip 2 and he was the third son of King Amyntas 3, perhaps Alexander was born with the gift of the throne. He had luxurious life inned and enjoyments learned the warrior tricks within the proper royal environment and famous warriors of that time, he was the student of Aristotle (al well-renowned a scholar with this vision of politics) which helped alexander to understand about the political systemization, governance, public relationship and needs of throne sustaining. He successes his father to the throne at the age of twenty, he lived a life of joy and relaxed in the palace. 

 While Omer (RA) is not having any ruler in his forefathers, he belongs to the clan of Adiy and was the noble tribe of Quraysh and his materials were from Clan Makhzoom the chief of Quraysh includes Waleed Bin Mugheera (father of Khalid Bin Walid(RA) also known as the sword of Allah) and Abul Hakam Ibn Hisham(also known as Abu Jahl). He (RA) was the shepherd for his Father camels and was treated worse than the slave by his father, he was in some counted people of Quraysh who knew about reading and writing. He was brave and hard but he never went with any academic procedure or formal academic learning the structure of war and at that time the war style of Arab was raid they are not having any formal mechanism, He says "whenever I came to home from the camel farm, my father never asked me about me but always asked how are the camels? 

Once I said will you not ask about your son? He answered if camels will be fine the son will be fine. After some time with the support of his brother Zaid ibn Ul Khattab, He(RA) started the business and got the success due to his honesty, with his born skills of dealing and his wise personality, he became the ambassador of Quraysh to other tribes of Arabs for resolving conflicts between the tribes, he was the youngest among the leaders of Quraysh and became a leader of his clan Adiy.

Ruling area and Public relations

Alexander the great has covered the area of 17 Lac square kilometer in 10 years with organized army fully armed with most advance weapons of that time, while in the same period of 10 years, Omer(RA) conquered 22 Lac square kilometer area with an inexperienced army who never fought within the proper patterns and did not have the good weapons and resources fought with superpowers of that time i.e. Byzantines and Persians and demolished them. Alexander was a king and was having no public regression and in front of his rules which he uses to make to just suppress the public and strengthening their fear in the hearts of the people. he uses to sit only with his companions, advisors or the high-class communities. 

 On the other side, Omer (RA) was a man with a simple life; he was having simple living and use to run his expenditure allowance from the treasury equivalent to the income of labor. Once a man from Qadsiyah(A battle was fought between Muslims and Persians, Muslims were led by Saad bin Abi Waqas RA and Persians by Rustom and this fought was won by the Muslims from here the Persian empire start losing its glory) send by Saad(RA) to Omer(RA) to let him know about the victory and fight situation, Omer(RA) was waiting outside the Medina, that man came Omer(RA) asked “from where you came ?” he said “from Qadsiyah” Omer(RA) ran after him and said

 “May Allah guide you let me know about the battle” he was telling by moving on the horse and He(RA)was running after him and was listening to the situations of battle when the man enter in the city, people vow on him that Amir ul Momineen (The leader of believers) is on foot and you are on the horse, he felt ashamed but Omer(RA) said "continue (tell me more about battle). He was with such a simple living that any outsider can't be able to differentiate Him (RA) with the public. When the ambassador came from Rome and saw Omer (RA) sleeping under the shade of a tree having brick as a pillow asked: "has this man conquered the world superpowers (Byzantines and Persians)?". He got to amaze with his simplicity.

Systematic Control and Governance

Alexander no doubt was great skilled warrior and of good habits and wise mind, but in conquering the different places He had to face the rebellions in his army and companions, most of his attacks in Afghanistan according to historians got failed because of his mismanagement and rebellions in the army and his all commands were related to his relatives and close people, if the complaint was made against them. He never made any action or trial. Many times he was bounded on the decisions of the protests and the traitor’s effect. While Omer (RA) was the man of will and his decision if made once no one has never denied. There the major example of sacking Khalid bin Walid (RA) because he went against his orders, he was his Cousin from Makhzoom. He also made trial Saad bin Abi Waqas(RA) who was the maternal uncle of Muhammad (SAW) he made the trial to everyone with justice, He(RA) also made his son punished by which he died. No one was above the law in the rule of Omer (RA).

As governance is the main component of ruling so the public has benefits and could enjoy their life and sustaining their socioeconomic condition, the most important in all this is System management and it's worth it. Alexander till now we haven't any system or introductory of it in this new era which we can see in world practices, and we only see the battles in the life of Alexander and he was present in all battles fought to extend the kingdom and never got the time to manage it well. While Omer(RA) has expanded the kingdom with making systems which are till now followed by approx all over the Islamic nations and modern nations(with refining according to them). The following are popular in practice of nations:

  • The separation of Judicial and Administration system.
  • Police, to stop civil crimes and sustain law and order situation.
  • Division of the areas in provinces and local bodies to administrate easily.
  • The accountability of the officials was the first time done by Omer (RA).
  • The first time in the world feeding babies received the allowance from the government treasury.
  • Proper assembly for making law and orders for the people.
  • Soldiers should get back home after 4 months to his family.
  • Offices for different departments and Educational buildings.

Who is an actual ruler?

    Once Amr bin Al Aas (RA) came to Madinah (as someone in his territory made complaints against him and as the session got finished) he asked about to encroach the other surroundings of Egypt Omer (RA) replied “We are not here to increase our subject and killings, but our actual mission is to convey a message with peace, and facilitate them as much we could. Now the subject of the ruling is extended and I am worried that it will be unable for me to manage, we can discuss it upon later first we have to stabilize our subjects on which we are”

    The theme is clear Warship, making the kingdom expand, showing power is not a meaning of kingdom the actual mean of the kingdom is that how much you facilitate the public under you with law and order sustainability, hence Omer(RA) proved during his ruling time. Now there is a question who was the actual great king? It is up to you to decide.

The study is conducted from the following books; 

  1. Freeman, Philip. Alexander the Great. Simon and Schuster, 2011.
  2. Al Farooq by Allama Shibli Naumani, 1920. 


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