Chapter 1: SDG VS MDGs - What is going to happen?
Development Goals (SDGs) became one of the important discussions around the
world at an international level. In the 21st century, we are living
where the world is progressing day by day and the diameters of issues linked to
economic, social, and environmental changes with the duration of time and their
measuring scenarios of development. In 2000, the United Nations took steps to
develop an agenda with the collaboration of all state and non-state actors to cope
up with challenges faced by the world population under different circumstances.
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were set by the United Nations which was
followed by all the countries till 2015, later on; it is succeeded by
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to continue the journey of development
around the world. But the question arises, why there was a need for a new
developmental agenda? Does MDGs weren't able to fulfill the demand of the
developmental sector? Demands change with the changes in aspects of surroundings
and necessities like from the last 5 years there is a rising subject of climate
change that was not focused during the time of MDGs settings. Now there is a
shift we could see in SDGs which are, to some extent, have been not covered by
MDGs. Hope this will be helpful for the upcoming change makers to work on SDGs at
the individual level.
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were the eight international development
goals considered to be practiced from 2000 - 2015 that had been established
following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration held on 8th
September 2000 in United National General Assembly Hall. All 189 United Nations
member states at that time, and at least 22 international organizations,
committed to helping achieve the following Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
- To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- To achieve universal primary education
- To promote gender equality and empower women
- To reduce child mortality
- To improve maternal health
- To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
- To ensure environmental sustainability
- To develop a global partnership for development.
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MDGs goals which were adopted as first global development Agenda |
Each goal had specific targets and there were some set indicators for achieving those targets, perhaps there were 18 targets and 30 indicators for them[i].
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
SDGs were initiated in two phases; first was in MDG Summit 2010 in which
different countries suggested United Nation General Secretary Ban Ki-moon
(former secretary-general UN) for making arrangement of developmental agendas
after expiration of MDGs and there was a session in 2015 held Open Working Group (OWG)
in United Nation Headquarter in which with the participation of all over SDGs were
set which also named Transforming our World: Sustainable Development Agenda 2030[ii].
agenda is considering as the transformation of the world with sustainable
development while it has about 169 targets along with indicators of achieving
targets all UN countries are working together also on individual basis UNDP is
welcoming NGOs, civil societies, social
activists, etc. to participate in transforming the world under SDGs agenda 2030.
The following are 17 goals you can follow on UNDP website for SDGs while in the following link there is a document of proceeding of general assembly regarding SDGs
in which you can find details of
every goal with its targets, the following are goals been set under SDGs[iii].
- No Poverty
- Zero Hunger
- Good Health and Well-being
- Quality Education
- Gender Equality
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Reduced Inequalities
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Responsible Consumption and Production
- Climate Action
- Life below Water
- Life on Land
- Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- Partnerships for the Goals
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These 17 goals considered as a gamechanger in the development of the world N-S poles |
we will make a comparison between them to know about the potential of SDGs as
compare to MDGs which will give a clear perception about the role of SDGs in
transforming the world[iv].
Comparison between MDGs and SDGs
There are
following points I have identified comparing MDGs and SDGs points then we will
be able to conclude about the focus of SDGs more dimensional than MDGs.
SDGs are defined in such a way that is covering the need for a new era of the development either it is economic, social, or environmental. It’s
collectively addressing the world with the word of sustainability which gives a positive message to others for making it global towards the development approach.
In SDGs, it could be observed that 17 goals have interacted to each other in
many ways while in MDGs we can see they are having individual approaches regarding
maternal, health, education and gender where we can note the targets and
indicators are really designed narrowly. SDGs have the capacity to influence
even political structures to support regarding economical structures, law, and
order, etc. (Goal 8 and goal 16)
we see the structure regarding the formation of MDGs it was set by elites and having
no proper knowledge of development science and studies which bounded to work
out while in SDGs we can see there was Open Working Group and there was
inclusive participation of people with collaboration they set 17 focus areas
from top to civil societies were involved in the process of developing goals to
transform the world with sustainable development.
Statistical bounding

Goals Funding
The goals of MDGs were demanded much based
with funding due to the setting of indicators while if we see SDGs it focuses on
strategy-level where governments can implement goals by their own support
because we know it really clearly after seeing SDGs goals we can see they are
focusing also an economical condition of countries (SDG 8, 9, 10) which will play a big role in achieving other SDGs. For example, if economic growth gets better,
there will be a reduction poverty rate and people will be having food security
which will make peace in society with respect to local crime.
we analyze the goals of MDGs we can easily see that the goals are focusing the under-developed
or developing countries while there are goals mentioned in SDGs focusing on the entire world and neglected areas in developed countries. (SDG 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
Poverty and Hunger
MDGs 1, “eliminate extreme poverty and hunger”, they were focused together
which became really controversial because poverty is economical link while
hunger reduction is in link with nutrition and food security. So, in SDGs
poverty and hunger were treated separately so nutrition and food security dimensioned
indifferent goals to focus them on their specific needs.
Educational Stance
MDGs, they were focusing on “universal primary education,” and also if we see
the indicators of goal, they were focusing on high enrollment which directly
shows they were focusing on quantity to filling school rooms while in SDGs 4 we
have seen its focusing on “quality of education” to every stage of education,
also, they targeted equity in enrollment which will bring good impact in a number
of girls' enrollment.
Economic Sustainability
we have already discussed, we're focusing on underdeveloped or developing
countries while if we see SDGs goal 10, “reduce inequality” which is focusing
to reduce the North-South gap due to the economic condition of countries. The
reduction of the gap will bring a good impact on social conditions too.
MDGs, they were working for development for 15 years to develop a society with
perspective while we all know that these issues are part of those societies where
the stress and conflicts are invaded while in SDGs 16, they also assure that
promoting peace is also a need for sustainable development.
Environmental Focus
MDGs, we have seen under goal 7, there was environment sustainability as a
generalized subject while if we see the environment is a really vast subject. We
all are because of the environment if it gets finished we all will vanish too.
SDGs took this subject seriously and focused on every side of the environment
really sincerely (SDG 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, and 15)
Why there is a need for an individual approach towards SDGs?
is a process where the involvement of the beneficiaries is required at every
level i.e. government, community, and individual. Nowadays we can see everywhere
is focused on individual participation nothing can be accomplished by the
realization of community and community becomes potential with the role of the
individual person. The SDG goals really require individual-based working to
implement them practically to transform the world in real meaning. MDGs didn’t make
a good impact because people were not participating properly due to the design
and the technique of those goals was really technical. Now, SDGs goals are having a
really general and open house for everyone to work with it. The most important,
in the new era, is individual participation. Like a bucket of water fills up with a lot of
drops of water the same as that in individual life, if we want to fulfill the
need for a sustainable world everyone has to focus and make his/her part for the
development of the world.
am trying to write different blogs to focus on each goal of SDGs to generate
some practical ideas in which we can asses some activities to engage individuals
to participate in a transforming world.
WHO, “WHO | Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs),” WHO, 2000,
IISD, “Summary of the MDG Summit 2010,
20-22 September 2010, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America,”
News, IISD Reporting service, September 25, 2010,
accessed May 8, 2019,
dpicampaigns, “About the Sustainable
Development Goals,” United Nations Sustainable Development (blog), accessed
May 8, 2019,
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