Own yourself, for yourself - Your dream or passion become true, but you have to focus yourself beside others.



I remember one of my classmates in school was too enthusiastic to become a painter and his paintings were awesome and he used to discuss with me the different painting styles and color combinations; I was actually a fan of his pencil sketches. After a long time, I met him somewhere in one of my lectures for the medical students; he wanted to ignore me for any discussion while I tried to convince him for a cup of coffee somewhere for which somehow he got ready. Later on, in between the casual discussion, I asked him in an unsensational manner that why you left passion of painting and moved towards this medical field. “My friend painting cannot fill the stomach and I am not like the other renowned painter to have a gallery in Islamabad to earn good,” he replied.

I took off from him with good wishes for each other and came to my hotel. It was the time I wasn’t able to understand because I was a bit shock for the time and even confused to solve the self-created puzzle in my mind. The person who was like born to be a painter and today he gave up everything in fear of money? I have heard many stories like that when people are passionate about something and they give it up for something else. it is because they face different tragedies and knowing the experiences of the other people. Besides everything, I observed they all have some common factors which influence them i.e. money, family, and society. Many of us could compare our life decisions with it because we are linked somewhere to these things to change our passion and consider it a daydreaming or fool thoughts. Actually, it's like the story of "Grapes are Soar” because the wolf wasn’t able to reach the bunch of grapes, same like when we aren’t able to do something we start considering it wrong and misfit for us but we never look into ourself and our efforts or the approach for achieving our goals or converting dreams into reality.

    We always want things ready to be on a plate, as a child cry for something and they get it; we want to save ourselves from the efforts. But let yourself know the crying of a child is an effort because he gives the best what he can do at that time. In life, there is only one thing that we get i.e., “opportunity” and to get it we just need to own it. In this world, where we see no one comes to rescue you in your tough situations only Allah comes to rescue you there, and He is not coming down for it but giving you different opportunities to work on yourself.

    Most of us actually ignore our value in life due to which we are unable to own our identity and feel the danger of taking the risk to achieve something. We give up our own dreams for the trends of the world which actually is like giving your own property to someone who can design it himself/herself for you. There is nothing hard to make the decision in your life if you are willing to do something which can be done through owning yourself. 

How to own yourself?

    To own yourself the most necessary thing is to focus on yourself, you have to develop a sense of realization that "you are nothing for everything but you are something for many things". The people you see with the big name with a long list of titles have gone through long-lasting efforts; a human has many things to deal with in their life that are family, friends, relations, networking, and communities but no excuse could be expected because of their pressure. No one in the world is going to answer about your life because you own your body and being granted with the opportunity of living the way you want too. I surely tell you that you are the only one in your life who can actually understand yourself, do not believe anyone to help you beside yourself.

    Life is actually full of risks, but the risk isn’t bad as much we think of it. RISK in my view stands for “Ready to Innovate Something Keenly”. Actually, in a social pattern where we are living, I have seen people discussing the problems more than the solutions for anyone’s idea like anyone wants to do some business and besides appreciating it the majority of people will discuss the negative aspects with the problems. The problems always come with the solutions, if you try to find it out. Giving up your dreams will someday make you do that thing because you have that deep down in yourself, but you will find that the time is gone. Work on yourself for yourself, before the time has gone.


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