I fall in love - Indeed you get blind, but don't let your dreams gets ignored (for boys).



 When I was 14 I  just started focusing to be a successful social scientist for which  I gave up everything to build it like giving up comfort zone, bearing family attitude, ignoring the comments of relatives and moreover keeping myself away from girls. I have been around the world and saw many girls but one thing was only in my mind career become something to prove myself and now Alhamdulillah I have many things I never thought of, but still my dream of doing a Ph.D. and becoming a renowned social scientist. I heard that love is blind so at this time of the career I don’t want to be blind I want to enjoy all the achievements and want to see them with my eyes.


The life is uncertain everything does not work accurately as you think of it or plan for it sometime, its world with nature Vs Nurture. I am still in my career struggle with the prime focus for achievement. but actually that the day I got in some trouble of getting in one-sided love like everyone in their life face it.  I saw someone crushed my heart with her beauty. It happened when I was sitting in library and receive a text from my friend that her friend needs help in the subject of economics and I called her in the library, just for sake of help to someone but never knew my mind is going to be trapped in some fantasy world. I was sitting in a position where the library entrance was visible.  I saw a girl with long shady blonde hairs, shining eyes, glamour on her face, personality to crash your attitude, I saw her moving towards me, my heartbeat was too fast and I tried to stable myself and act normal, as I got on the normal wave I saw my friend along with her introduced me warmly with her, and she was the one who has to clear some concepts regarding economics. Suddenly my friend saw full attention from my side towards her, she left. I was trying my best to teach her and got successful to concentrate on the work besides her face. She started getting comfortable with me and started talking with each other, she was looking kind heart nature and her attachment to children is really much like me, bit immature, loving, friendly but reserve and really choosy in friendship but innocent on some sides. While hardly, I excused from her as I had to meet with the professor, so I left the library and it just ended in the busy routine.


 I don't know it was normal or not I couldn't and with too much struggle I failed. One day, I was standing with my teacher in front of administration block I saw some girl standing some steps away and staring  at me, I ignored that focus the discussion with professor, as I got to finish with it, she quickly came towards me and greeted me, she was the same girl I met that day, Oh my God it was like I got the world and she was looking to be more beautiful from the first meeting. She again asked for help in the same subject so I took her along with me to the library and started studying and I was trying to control my feelings to be facially expressed. 



I was getting some more strong feelings and convincing my mind to tell about my crush on her and I was ready but I failed and I was feeling as big failure happen to me and was blaming myself like why I missed the opportunity to strengthen a friendship? Why I didn’t ask for lunch? Why I got confuse on such important moment? From that day my days faced many changes which I just use to heard from others like thinking about her, no matter what’s going around me no interest in lectures, working, research etc. 


I got insomnia, no proper diet, disturbed in studies, least concentration in the class lectures, and my goals were like diverted. My friend which made interaction with her was sitting with me somewhere in university and she came to know I am tense with anything and I told her each and everything as I was looking for some solution, she showed full support to me for making interact with her and gave me some hope I was feeling hopeful for someday she will be in my life, but no possibility came up. After some time I was sitting in the same condition somewhere in university a close friend of mine just came and sit with me and ask what’s happening? Why you behaving so awkwardly? and I told her about my condition what I am facing and I am ready to take up the initiative of relation now. She said (with some anger in her attitude) Usama are you ready to do everything for her? I said yes absolutely and she repeated Anything Usama (with full focus on me)? I said what’s wrong in it love requires many sacrifices, struggle, passion, etc. so she said what about your career?


    I was not having any answer for this the question, she continued "Usama as much I know about you when a person spends and dedicates every moment to enjoy in life, doing fun and doing hangouts, etc you were in career race, students were focusing what to do and you were at stage saying this is the way. This all exposure what you have today is due to sacrificing many things, besides spending nights in partying you spent in increasing your capacity and personal career skills, and at the age of 22 today you have everything students of this age can just dream. Now you are on way to get a PhD and you are too close to that and you are ready to give up everything for a girl you are not sure about her? You don’t know her personal life, you don’t know what she thinks about you and either is she going to come in your life in the end or not? Here she ends and every word was full of reality and releasing my tension; really much I was feeling some peace inside of me and I got calm with everything and the duration of this entire thing was 3 weeks.


 With the help of her and time, I got back on the right track I was focusing on, but there are many cases where the boys or even girls ruin our life for someone for whom they are not sure in the future. Like I met with a guy who got probe and got suspended from the university just he got desperate for a girl and he was fully used by her and thrown him away. I am not blaming girls here for anything because don’t he had a mind to see the reality? there is no reality of such relationships, making fake promises, going on date, all-time sitting with each other face to face, instant texting Don’t you know time value? Time is the actual wealth but it is only a wealth which can be utilized or invest you cannot save it so use it wisely you will be blaming yourself sometimes sitting in 4*4 office and seeing someone who invested his or her time well in career development getting a promotion and you have to wait for years for the moment because you are lacking somewhere for which you have to cover up، then the only option you will get at that time to learn and go on. 

    The girl for whom you gave up everything will be enjoying with her husband. This world is really mean and everyone tries to get the best for themself, everyone needs some successful career for the good life, a presentable partner for which every girl thinks because she had to fulfill her leisure (good house, shopping with full bags, traveling, etc). So GROW UP!! Life has given you only one chance to live, to get success, to fulfill your dreams to be something. 

    Your parents love you more than any girl because the mother took you up in her belly bearing all pain to build your heart and you just going to give that to someone else and your father give up all his dreams for your dreams they are waiting out in the home for the day they see you with your degree and the white-collar job they love you actually so much. Use time wisely and do care for your parents. The girl will definitely come in your life which will give you some good life and love you will never see it. I want to say many things I have so much pain for you, my friends but one thing I can say now………….. FOCUS time is not going to come back again.



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