5 Things can help you to change your life - Practice is Must.


On a daily basis, I receive emails and messages on social media from the much relatable people.  I receive messages with different wordings but the same problem. But why people are going through different scenarios but the same problem? It is because the circumstances in our lives are different but impact becomes the same which could be due to nature, norms, and social structures. The issues mostly get on nerves because of overthinking about it and taking its effect on their senses and ignoring the solutions. Nowadays, it is really common to listen about suicide in youth, depression in children, frustration, intolerance, failure stories, etc. The only solution to that all is to focus on the solutions and building your life the way you want to have.  

 I have observed some of the skills which are important to adopt to change your life, it matters a lot to change your life but before that, you have to realize that you need to change yourself. Here, I am mentioning six things which can help you to change your life and lead it towards success.

Appreciate What You Have

Mostly we get stressed in our life by watching the others, we start comparing our lives with others. Like, you are walking on the road, many cars pass you out but suddenly you see a luxurious car you think of that and start feeling yourself empty because you cannot afford it. You are sitting in a class with old technology mobile and all of your fellows are having modern technology gadgets which make you feel your life as useless. You are watching people in a relationship and you are roaming around holding your bag besides holding the hand of a sweetheart so you feel your life as meaningless, etc. it happens because we always see what we don't have and ignore what we have. 

Ever you start feeling that you have nothing, just give a minute to yourself, and start from your body senses, then see if you are living under shelter while reading the article you have gadgets while walking you have legs. Everything you have is more than a gift just respect it besides degrading the available resources.

                                                    Realize Your Abilities                                                                             

I have seen many people saying that Sir we want to be like you and me always answer it that “Be Yourself” as everyone has their abilities and they can groom themselves the way they want to. Success matters for everyone but the pattern are different for everyone which is a reality, so make your definition of success.

Always try to discuss with the people besides getting impressed by people, read as much as you can but decide one thing to get it done. 

                        Believe in Yourself                                

Everyone sees life from their perspective if anyone criticizes your idea of life or even understanding you… let such a person go from your life. Believe in yourself that you are enough capable of doing anything just you have to shift from your comfort zone to the growth zone. Focus on yourself to build yourself.  

Acceptance and Ignorance

If anyone points you out with the thing which is identified as negative in you, just think upon it to resolve besides to revenge, and if you assess that it doesn’t exist inside you so think once more and start ignoring that comment and move on what you feel good for yourself.

Communication Skills

It matters to have good communication skills to be confident, making situations negotiable, and deal with things professionally. Always we see the communication influences the people either positively or negatively, it depends on your nurturing that how you pattern out your communication design.  So try to improve your communication skills to improve your circle and it will increase the number of healthy audience of the society in your contacts which will keep you motivated and well informed with world affairs.

Change your Routine

Nothing comes tomorrow if you waste today; it is like to expect lunch on time of dinner. Every minute has its value and worth. For that, you should try well enough to make it fruitful for yourself. Make your best to do things on time besides making them pending on each day.

Your life can be changed, but first, you have to change. All these 6 things are useless if you will not try to practice it practically in your life. Planning is important but the succession plan is the one that gets executed.


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